>file 標準輸出,覆蓋文件
>>file 標準輸出,文件續寫
2>file 錯誤輸出,覆蓋文件
2>/dev/null 錯誤輸出到/dev/null
&>file 標準輸出和錯誤輸出,覆蓋文件
>>file >2&1 標準輸出和錯誤輸出,文件續寫
$ls -l /usr/bin | less
$ls | wc -l > /tmp/how-many-files
$ls -t | head -n 10 > /tmp/ten-last-changes-files
$ls -l | tee /temp-save-output
$ls | wc -l > /tmp/how-many-files
$ls -t | head -n 10 > /tmp/ten-last-changes-files
$ls -l | tee /temp-save-output
$vim filename
i to enter insert mode
Esc to return to command mode
x to delete a selection of text
u to undo mistaken edits on the current line
y to yank (copy) the selection
p to put (paste) the selection
w to write (save) the file and remain in command mode for more editing
:wq to write the file and quit Vim
:q! to quit Vim, but discard all file changes since the last write
i to enter insert mode
Esc to return to command mode
x to delete a selection of text
u to undo mistaken edits on the current line
y to yank (copy) the selection
p to put (paste) the selection
w to write (save) the file and remain in command mode for more editing
:wq to write the file and quit Vim
:q! to quit Vim, but discard all file changes since the last write